es of masturbation in women

 es of masturbation in women

Addiction to women's masturbation   Note, before entering the topic, you must discuss the matter with the specialist doctor, and be brave and face your problem until it is resolved, because you burn yourself and do not know    The stillness of sex addiction in women begins with the secret habit, which is reaching orgasm without sexual contact, whether with a virgin or married woman, and it is mostly by hand, and it is called masturbation, and some call it handjobs.  Among girls and women, the habit of masturbation does not reach them to the extent of real sexual satisfaction, as its pleasure remains within the limits of perceptions and fantasies, and it also creates in women a tendency to introversion and the harms of masturbation.  Psychological and social, quick to anger, not suppressing women's feelings and desires, and turning women into a nation obedient to their lusts to the point that they become aggressive and introverted and do not prefer to go out of the house or interact with others, and become shy with time     The woman's sleep begins to become disorderly and unstable, even in her food, and the brain is affected by forms and fantasies created by this illusion that was planted and grew with masturbation and with addiction to movies (masturbation).  The normal, natural agitation that occurs when contact between a man and a woman, and it pushes to excess, addiction to it, and the request for more. The practice of masturbation in the girl is very dangerous, because the girl may resort to using tools to rub the genitals in order to seek orgasm, and sometimes it reaches an attempt to insert her finger into the vagina, which  threatens her virginity.    Damages and problems caused by the masturbation of girls    The girl should know that excessive play of the clitoris or pressure on it, whether with a finger or any machine or any other means in order to achieve flow can kill the sensitivity of the clitoris and while continuing the masturbation habit can harm its responses to normal marital intercourse between a man and a woman. Unfortunately, continuous practice may  It affects the hymen, especially for those who have reached the age of twenty-five, the hymen will become harsh and harden more, and the matter may reach surgical intervention in some cases after marriage, and this is due to the man’s inability to break the hymen because it has become thick and hard.  Diseases that are transmitted from the hand and touching it with other parts of the body and the foot, and this helps the transmission of diseases and the semen of the woman can cause other problems, in addition to that the normal relationship is after a shower to get rid of any diseases, but in the habit of masturbation many girls do it when sleeping or without showering  Which doubles their chance of getting sick.    As for the other parts that are raised in the woman’s body, such as the breast, the girl’s nipple becomes more erect and she does not reach the real orgasm that she reaches with the man (the husband).  Addiction to women’s masturbation, watching sexual films, and girls’ involvement in talking about sex, as well as emotional conversations on the phone and on the Internet, is also due to reasons for sleeping on the stomach and thinking about stimuli, which is the most important point, as most young women think about sexual images, especially for those who have free time, and there is also a lack of  Realization and awareness, the misconception that many of those who practice masturbation contract that they satisfy their instincts, and this, of course, is not true, as the satisfaction is for a few minutes, and then it becomes in need again again for sex, which makes some individuals do it more than once, and it may sometimes reach in doing it several times  Today, especially at its inception, and spreading some misconceptions that it is not harmful or that it has advantages.    Finger penetration in the anus    It occurs in unmarried girls who practice masturbation by penetrating their fingers or any instrument similar to the male member in the anus to obtain greater pleasure during masturbation, and this habit spread among girls until it came to the point that girls do it to each other, and it has very harmful psychological and physical effects that adolescence does not realize  Or the girl first is forbidden by law, and the masturbation is in all divine religions, and when the finger is inserted for the first time, the muscles of defecation begin to contract, and hemorrhoids begin, and this is because it works against its natural system for which it was created, which is excretion, and by inserting the finger or tool, hemorrhoids begin to come out during defecation, and some girls practice from behind  In order not to lose her virginity, and the person ejaculates inside the anus, and this is the first way towards anal cancer, and the girl gets anal itching and is active in a dangerous type of bacteria known to be resistant to many regular antibiotics, which is USA300, and it invades the body through the skin and also causes anal and rectal bleeding.  The anus will start to bleed, and it can only be treated by eradication, in addition to the normal problems in the woman's inability to control herself when she wants to go to the bathroom, and God forbid this relationship.    Treatment of female masturbation addiction     There are many ways to treat addiction, but it is best to choose the appropriate treatment for you, and the first advice we recommend is to get married if there is a person who is able to, but because addicts to this habit are young, this is not the appropriate solution for all cases. The first way to solve any problem is the will, which is the main factor in quitting.  Any wrong act or habit Secondly, we recommend self-control, and here we do not mean repression, and this is when the girl knows her own weakness and vulnerability in situations, so she tries to occupy herself in other permissible and legitimate ways to move away from this path and does not allow these desires and stimuli to be inside you from the ground up.  It is the storage of sexual desires under the pretext of controlling them, so the desire remains burning, waiting for the right time to explode. In conclusion, the girl and woman should stay away from everything that excites her sexually, and from watching pornographic films and everything related to them, and also stay away from the places of excitement in her body. Here are some tips such as do not go back to your bed after you get up  And do not go back to bed unless you feel a real feeling of fatigue until you fall asleep directly    Also, stay away from hot baths and try to shower quickly, for example, in the morning when going to school, university or work. Stay away from exciting books, pictures and movies. There is an important and exciting factor, which is foods that cause gases, irritating spices, and fatty meals such as meat, fish, shellfish and eggs in a large way. When many attempts or difficult cases, we advise  In a specialized sanatorium, it is the best way, as the doctor prescribes in this case some sedatives, and sometimes the excessive masturbation of girls causes enlargement of some glands, so the doctor gives medical prescriptions for these problems.  The habit with her is chronic, and do not be sad if you do not survive the first time, so we explained that the will is a very important thing, and occupy your free time and interact with those around you   Dr. Abdul Rahman   Psychiatry specialist.
